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I have been encouraged to post in distinct e-books on this site a number of items that I wrote over the years. I am grateful to those who have encouraged me to do this. I begin with an e-book that contains some essays that I wrote before I discovered Lonergan, in the hope that they may reveal why this discovery was such a life-changing event.

Robert Doran

The first item, which is the earliest item in my own work that I saved, is entitled "Elements in Sartre's Theory of Freedom." The date is 1963. This paper was written at Saint Louis University for a course in my studies for either the Ph.L. degree or the M.A. in Philosophy. The relation to the eventual discovery of Lonergan is obvious.

Before Lonergan Essay 1: Elements in Sartre's Theory of Freedom (1963)

A second item is another paper on Sartre written for a course from George P. Klubertanz, S.J.

Before Lonergan Essay 2: Comments on Sartre's Phenomenology

A third item is a paper on Kierkegaard written for James Collins. The title page is lost, and I cannot remember the precise title.

Before Lonergan Essay 3: Paper on Kierkegaard for James Collins

A fourth item is a paper on Augustine written for Vernon Bourke in the fall of 1963. Again, the title page is lost, but the paper deals with Augustinian "interiorism" in the approach to truth.

Before Lonergan Essay 4: Paper on Augustine for Vernon Bourke

A fifth item is my M.A. thesis in philosophy, written under the direction of George P. Klubertanz, S.J. The thesis was entitled "The development of St. Thomas's Theory of Freedom." There is reference to Lonergan's articles on 'gratia operans.'

Before Lonergan Essay 5: The Development of St. Thomas's Theory of Freedom

A sixth item is another paper on Sartre, "Sartre's Critique of the Husserlian Ego." This was published in THE MODERN SCHOOLMAN in 1967. The present publication is simply a copy of an offprint.

Before Lonergan Essay 6: Sartre's Critique of the Husserlian Ego

A seventh item is a review paper on Thomas Oden's book KERYGMA AND COUNSELING. Date is probably 1967. Some foreshadowing of psychic conversion may be present here

Before Lonergan Essay 7: Review of Thomas Oden, Kerygma and Counseling

An eighth item is a handwritten paper written, I believe, in the summer of 1967, Notes on Transcendental Philosophy. It was in the summer of 1967 that I finally worked my way through INSIGHT for the first time. The paper reveals that I was still figuring out the relation of Lonergan to such figures as Coreth, Rahner, and de Finance.

Before Lonergan Essay 8: Notes on Transcendental Philosophy
