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A Table of Contents is provided with each issue. Click on the issue you are interested in, and the Table of Contents for that issue will appear.
Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies n.s., Vol. 1, No. 1
MJLS ns 1-1 Contents
Thomas J. McPartland, Classical Culture: The Utility and Limits of an Ideal Type / 1
Michael Forest, From Bias to Method: Peirce and Lonergan on Common Sense and Its Limitations / 17
Hugo Meynell, Some Terminological Reservations: Position, Conversion, Person / 35
David Oyler, Wholes and Hierarchies / 45
Philip McShane, Self-Appropriating the Inner Parts / 55
Glenn Hughes, Differentiation and Its Discontents / 67
Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies n.s., Vol. 1, No. 2
MJLS ns 1-2 Contents
Jeremy Blackwood, Lonergan and Rahner on the Natural Desire to See God / 85
Rohan M. Curnow, History, Society, and the Hermeneutics of the Poor / 105
Lance M. Grigg, Reconstructing Foundations: An Insight-based Approach to Constructivism and Constructionism in Educational Theory and Practice / 126
Alicia Jaramillo, Alienation, the Unhappy Consciousness, and Self-knowledge in Hegel and Lonergan / 139
Thomas J. McPartland, Politics and Metaphysics: A Hortatory Exercise / 163
Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies n.s., Vol. 2, No. 1
MJLS ns 2-1 Contents
James Marsh, Self-Appropriation, Polymorphism, and Diffrance / 1
Robert Doran, S.J., The Ninth Functional Specialty / 13
Michael Sharkey, Heidegger, Lonergan, and the Notion of Being / 17
Patrick Brown, Functional Specialization and the Methodical Division of Labor in Legal Studies / 45
Paul Osslington, Lonergans Reception among Economists: Tale of a Dead Fish and an Agenda for Future Work / 67
Hugo Meynell, Groarke, Aristotle, and Induction / 79
Nick Olkovich, Beyond Radical Particularism: A Lonerganian Response to S. Mark Heims Pluralistic Inclusivism / 89
David Oyler, Review of Pierrot Lambert and Philip McShane, Bernard Lonergan: His Life and Leading Ideas / 123
Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies n.s., Vol. 2, No. 2
MJLS ns 2-2 Contents
Robert M. Doran, S.J., Social Grace / 131
Jeremy W. Blackwood, Sanctifying Grace, Elevation, and the Fifth Level of Consciousness / 143
Christiaan Jacobs-Vandegeer, Living in the Artistry of God: Bernard Lonergans Interpretation of Thomist Volitional Theory / 163
Philip McShane, The Hypothesis of a Non-Accidental Human Participation in the Divine Active Spiration / 187
Michael Vertin, The Notion of a Lonergan Enterprise / 203
James B. Gerrie, Review of William F. Sullivan, Eyes of the Heart: Knowing the Good in the Euthanasia Debate / 227
Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies n.s., Vol. 3, No. 1
MJLS ns 3-1 Contents
Robert M. Doran, S.J., Two Ways of Being Conscious: The Notion of Psychic Conversion / 1
John R. Friday, Considering the Religious Other: Revisiting Dominus Iesus in the Light of Functional Specialization / 19
Paul G. Monson, The Cosmopolis of Elfland: Bernard Lonergan on G.K. Chesterton / 3 7
John Volk, Lonergan on the Historical Causality of Christ / 63
Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies n.s., Vol. 3, No. 2
MJLS ns 3-2 Contents
Jeremy W. Blackwood, Eighteen Days in 1968: An Essay on the Maturation of Lonergans Intentionality Analysis / 1
Brian Cronin, C.S.Sp., The Purpose of Metaphysics / 27
Francisco V. Galn, Rendering it Explicitly Acountable: Shedding Light on Lonergans Pragmatism through Robert Brandoms Normative Pragmatics / 45
Brian Mason, The Reconciliation of the Manifest and Scientific Image in Bernard Lonergan/ 73
Brian J. Braman, Book Review: The Quest for God and the Good Life: Lonergans Theological Anthropology, by Mark Miller / 89
Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies n.s., Vol. 4, No. 1
MJLS ns 4-1 Contents
Randall Rosenberg, Introduction /
Jeremy Blackwood, Trinitarian Love in the Dialectics of History / 1
John Dadosky, Approaching the Triune Goed: A Response / 17
Grant Kaplan, New Paths for a Girard/Lonergan Conversatin: An Essay in Light of Robert Dorans Missions and Processions / 23
James Marsh, Why Lonerganian Philosophers Should Read Lonergans and Dorans Theology / 39
Neil Ormerod, Dorans The Trinity in History: The Girardian Connection / 47
Robert M. Doran, S.J., A Response / 61
Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies n.s., Vol. 4, No. 2
MJLS ns 4-2 Contents
Jeffrey A. Allen, Ernest Becker and Bernard Lonergan: An Initial Meeting / 1
Christopher Berger, The Unaskable Questions / 17
Martin J. De Nys, Husserl and Lonergan: Evidence and Truth / 37
Richard Grallo, Approaching Critical Thinking through Generalized Empirical Method / 59
Joseph Torchia, O.P., Curiosity, Wonder, and Our Need to Know: The Dynamics of Cognitive Desire in Lonergans Generalized Empirical Method / 79
Michael Vertin, Deliberative Insight Revisited / 107
Paul Kidder, Book Review of John Dadosky, The Eclipse and Recovery of Beauty: A Lonergan Approach / 144
Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies n.s., Vol. 5, No. 1
MJLS ns 5-1 Contents
R.J. Snell, Critical Realist Personalism: Introducing a Special Issue on the Work of Christian Smith / 1
Christopher Friel, The Social Ontology of Christian Smith and Bernard Lonergan: Challenge and Response / 7
Elizabeth Murray, The Realism of Christian Smiths Christian Realist Personalism / 39
Thomas J. McPartland, Epistemology and the Person/ 57
Michael McCarthy, Living Beyond Our Means: The Troubling Gap between Ontology and Advocacy / 73
Gilles Mongeau, S.J., Personhood, Dignity, and Respect: A Critical Appreciation of Christian Smith / 95
Patrick Byrne, Book Review of Christian Smith, To Flourish or Destruct: A Personalist Theory of Human Good, Motivations, and Evil / 111
Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies n.s., Vol. 5, No. 2
MJLS ns 5-2 Contents
Bernard J.F. Lonergan, S.J., Fragments toward a Seventh Chapter of De Deo Trino: Pars Systematica / 1
Bernard J.F. Lonergan, S.J., Letter of Bernard Lonergan to the Reverend Henry Keane, S.J. / 23
Michael G. Shields, S.J., A Note on Lonergans Latin / 41
Jeremy D. Wilkins, Method and Metaphysics in Theology: Lonergan and Doran / 53
Jeremy D. Wilkins, Traduce Not the Inner Word: On Reading and Rendering Lonergans Latin / 87
Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies n.s., Vol. 6, No. 1
MJLS ns 6-1 Contents
Paul Kidder, Lonergan, Heidegger, and the Being of Question / 1
H. Daniel Monsour, Some Reflections on Professor Wilkinss Paper, Method and Metaphysics in Theology: Doran and Lonergan / 17
Mark D. Morelli, Meeting Hegel Halfway: The Intimate Complexity of Lonergans Relationship with Hegel / 63
Louis Roy, O.P., The Viability of the Category of Religious Experience in Bernard Lonergans Theology / 99
Jim Marsh, Book Review of Mark D. Morelli, Self-Possession: Being at Home in Conscious Peformance, 119
Thomas J. McPartland, Epistemology and the Person / 127
Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies n.s., Vol. 6, No. 2
MJLS ns 6-2 Contents
R.J. Snell, Lonergan and Protestant Thought: Introducing a Special Issue / 1
Steven D. Cone, The View from Outside: Why a Protestant Would Care about Lonergan / 3
Karen Petersen Finch, The Reformed Rejection of Natural Theology: Dialectic and Foundations / 19
Joseph K. Gordon, The Truthfulness of Scripture: Bernard Lonergans Contribusion and Challenges for Protestants / 35
Ben F. Meyer, The Primacy of the Intended Sense of Texts / 57
Richard Sherlock, Modern Protestant Theology / 93
Carl Trueman, Lonergan and Development: A Source for Protestants? / 115