
Marquette University
The fourth annual “Lonergan on the Edge” conference, and the third at Marquette, will be held in the Raynor Conference Center, Marquette University, on Friday September 16-17 2011. The schedule of events is:

Friday September 16

9:10 amOpening Remarks,
Jeremy Blackwood - President, LSMU;
Dr. Susan Wood - Chair, MU Theology

9:30 am “The Unfoldimng of Intellectual Conversion,” Thomas Cappelli, Loyola Marymount University

10:00 am “The Reluctant Phenomenologist: Lonergan and the Limits of Phenomenology,” Gregory Floyd, Boston College

10:50 am “Human Responsibilities amid Human Rights: Lonergan’s Complementary Reading of Aquinas for Migrants and Refugees,” Jason Renken, Loyola University Chicago

11:20 am “Truly Good Medicine: The Promise of Catholic Social Teaching and Lonergan’s Scale of Values for Catholic Healthcare Ethics,” Juliana V. Vazquez, Marquette University

1:00 pm “Psychic Conversion in the Story of Joseph and His Brothers,” Brian O. Sigmon, Marquette University

1:30 pm “Lonergan and Balthasar on Distance and Mutual Opposition in Trinitarian Relations,” Rev. Chris Hadley, S.J., Marquette University

2:20 pm “Sinfulness: A Philosophy of Human Trans-Naturality,” Jonathan Heaps, Boston University School of Theology

2:50 pm “Grace Considered from the Perspective of Lonergan’s Worldview,” Mary P. Utzerath, Marquette University

3:40 pm “Watching a Play Isn’t Taking a Look, Either: Lonergan and Sontag on the Aesthetic Pattern,” Ryan Miller, Boston College

4:10 pm “Seeking What Ought To Be: An Analysis of GEM in the Context of Adolescent Moral Decision-Making and the Exercises of St. Ignatius,” Christopher Krall, S.J., Marquette University High School

5:00 pm “Keynote: Symbolic Liberation: Radiohead, Rothko, and Liturgical Minimalism,” Dr. Joseph Mudd, Gonzaga University

Saturday, September 17

10:10 am “Insight into Forensic Science,” John Vanderkolk, Indiana State Police Crime Laboratory

10:40 am “Lonergan’s Insight into Aquinas’s Account of Self-cognition in De veritate,” Daniel D. DeHaan, Center for Thomistic Studies,
University of St. Thomas (Houston)

11:30 am “Suffering Subjectivity: Aquinas and Lonergan on Christ’s Experience of Pain,” Eric Mabry, Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St. Thomas (Houston)

12:00 noon “Lonergan’s Position on the Natural Desire to See God as Corroborated by Aquinas’s Doctrine of Creation by Participation & His Nominal Definition of God as Ipsum Esse”, Brian Himes, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry

1:45 pm Panel: Lonergan as a Reader of Aquinas, Featuring: Dr. Jeremy Wilkins, University of St. Thomas (Houston); Dr. Gilles Mongeau, SJ, Regis College at University of Toronto; Dr. Mark Johnson, Marquette University; and Gregorio Montejo, doctoral candidate, Marquette University

Contributor Title
Thomas A. Cappelli, Jr. The Unfolding of Intellectual Conversion
Jason Renken Human Responsibilities amid Human Rights: Lonergan’s Complementary Reading of Aquinas for Migrants and Refugees
Juliana V. Vazquez Truly Good Medicine: The Promise of Catholic Social Teaching and Lonergan’s Scale of Values for Catholic Healthcare Ethics
Brian O. Sigmon Psychic Conversion in the Story of Joseph and His Brothers
Christopher M. Hadley Lonergan and Balthasar on Distance and Mutual Opposition in Trinitarian Relations
Jonathan Heaps Sinfulness: A Philosophy of Human Transnaturality
Mary P. Utzerath Enlarging the Horizon of Transposition: Grace Considered from the Perspective of Lonergan’s Worldview
Ryan Miller Watching a Play Isn’t Taking a Look, Either: Lonergan and Sontag on the Aesthetic Pattern
Christopher Krall Seeking What Ought To Be: An Analysis of GEM in the Context of Adolescent Moral Decision-Making and the Exercises of St. Ignatius
Joseph Mudd Symbolic Liberation: Radiohead, Rothko, and Liturgical Minimalism
John Vanderkolk Insight into Forensic Science
Daniel D. DeHaan Lonergan’s Insight into Aquinas’ Account of Self-cognition in De veritate
Eric Mabry Suffering Subjectivity: Aquinas and Lonergan on Christs Experience of Pain
Brian Himes Lonergans Position on the Natural Desire to See God as Corroborated by Aquinass Doctrine of Creation by Participation & His Nominal Definition of God as Ipsum Esse
J. Wilkins, G. Mongeau, M. Johnson, G. Montejo Panel Discussion: Lonergan as a Reader of Aquinas
J. Wilkins, G. Mongeau, M. Johnson, G. Montejo Panel Discussion Q&A: Lonergan as a Reader of Aquiais