

Contributor Title
Dennis M. Doyle Vatican II and Intellectual Conversion: Engaging the Struggle Within
Patrick H. Byrne Curiosity: Vice or Virtue? Augustine and Lonergan
Cloe Taddei Ferretti Lonergan’s General Categories and Discussions on Women’s Ministry
Armando Rugarcia-Torres The Critical Meaning of Lonergan’s Organon
Monica Wei The Notion of Heaven in Original Confucianism and the Notion of God in Christianity - A Dialogue Based on Lonergan’s Understanding of Pluralism
Michael McCarthy Seeking and Dwelling: A Study in Four Spiritual Journeys
Carla Mae Streeter Francis, Authority, and the ‘Other’: Lonergan’s Inner Core and Outer Manifestations
Maurice Schepers Pope Francis’s Evangelii Gaudium on “Going Forth” in Terms of Processions and Missions in the Trinity
William Mathews The Measure of Human Reality
Thomas McPartland Lord of the Rings: Mystery, Freedom, and Destiny
Gill Goulding In Deance of Fragmentation: The Dynamic Imperative of Kenotic Love
John Dadosky Has Vatican II been Hermeneutered? Recovering its Theological Achievements through Rahner and Lonergan
Greg Lauzon A Talking Rosetta Stone
Francis Sullivan On the Salvation of Non-Christians Who Die without Christian Faith or Baptism in Nostra Aetate and Gaudium et Spes
Nikolaus Wandinger Subject-Relativity of the Doctrine on Salvation: From “extra ecclesiam nulla salus” to ’non tantum pro christifidelibus valet, sed et pro omnibus hominibus bonae voluntatis’"
Jeremy D. Wilkins What is the Grace Necessary for Salvation? Vatican II and a Theological Hypothesis
Robert Luby Acumen and Ecumenism in Medicine
Randy Rosenberg Distorted Desire and the Deviated Transcendence of Consumerist Idolatry
Wen-Hsiang Chen Lonergan and Zhu Xi: Insight and Sudden Integration
Robert M. Doran, SJ The Trinity in History: First Steps beyond Volume 1
William E. Murnion Telling the Truth and Doing Good: A Key to the Infrastructure of Modern Philosophy
William George The Emerging Religious Consciousness of Our Time: The Examples of Eboo Patel and CG.Weeramantry
Matthew L. Petillo Rethinking the Habit of Charity Beyond the Boundaries of Scholastic Theology
Gene Ahner Progress-the Neglected Heuristic of History
Patrick R Daly Palliative Sedation, Forgoing Life-Sustaining Treatment, and Aid-in-Dying: What is the Difference?
Gerard Whelan Pope Francis and the Situation as Source of Theology
Phillip Berryman Signs of the Times in Latin America Today, Aparecida and the Francis Connection