Dominic Doyle |
A Lonerganian Transposition of Richard MeKeon’s |
Charles Hefling |
Two Cheers for King James: Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the Authorized Version |
Patrick Byrne |
Personal Value, Moral Value, and History |
Richard Grallo |
Expanding Horizons of Question and Insight |
William Mathews |
Windows on Living, Writing and Reading the Self |
Gilles Mongeau |
The State of Grace and the Law of the Cross: Further Insights into Lonergan and Rene Girard |
Christiaan Jacobs-Vandegeer |
Our Deep Sighs: Being Christian in this Religiously Diverse World |
John Haughey |
On the World Transhumanist Association’s Aspirations to Get the After Out of Afterlife |
Elizabeth Murray |
The Classical Question of Immortality in Light of Lonergan’s Explicit Metaphysics |
Robert Luby |
Restorative Medicine: Defensive Schemes and Re-emergent Probability |
Patrick Daly |
The Possibility of Hope |
Shawn Copeland |
Waiting for Hope |
Randy Rosenberg |
Is Walker Percy’s Voice Still Viable? An Examination in Light of Lonergan |
David Burrell |
Lonergan and Anawati: An Interfaith Inquiry |
Robert M. Doran, SJ |
Theological Virtues and Participation in Active and Passive Spiration |
Thomas Kohler |
Moving Viewpoints: Solidarity in Modern Contexts |
Richard Liddy |
Lonergan and Climate Change |
William Murnion |
Aquinas’s Philosophy of Mind in the De Veritate |
Joseph Mudd |
Church Penitent: A Sacramental Re-Imaging of Ecclesial Identity in a Time of Crisis |
Matthew Petillo |
Love and Light: A Hypothesis Regarding Lonergan’s Four Point Hypothesis |
Gordon Rixon |
Cultivation of the Mind: Newman and Lonergan |
Paul Kidder |
Joseph Flanagan and the Philosophical Hermeneutic of Modern Art |
Greg Lauzon |
Lamenting at the Abattoir and Elemental Meaning and Bowsticks |
Mark Miller |
Conversion as Life, Death, and Resurrection |
Jeremy Wilkins |
Unpacking Lonergans Four-Point Hypothesis |
Michael Vertin |
Rahner and Lonergan |
Luca Sinihaldi |
The Polymorphism of Consciousness as a Higher Viewpoint on Modern Philosophy |
Chae Young Kim |
Bernard Lonergan and Raymond Panikkar on Faith |