

Contributor Title
Dominic Doyle A Lonerganian Transposition of Richard MeKeon’s
Charles Hefling Two Cheers for King James: Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the Authorized Version
Patrick Byrne Personal Value, Moral Value, and History
Richard Grallo Expanding Horizons of Question and Insight
William Mathews Windows on Living, Writing and Reading the Self
Gilles Mongeau The State of Grace and the Law of the Cross: Further Insights into Lonergan and Rene Girard
Christiaan Jacobs-Vandegeer Our Deep Sighs: Being Christian in this Religiously Diverse World
John Haughey On the World Transhumanist Association’s Aspirations to Get the After Out of Afterlife
Elizabeth Murray The Classical Question of Immortality in Light of Lonergan’s Explicit Metaphysics
Robert Luby Restorative Medicine: Defensive Schemes and Re-emergent Probability
Patrick Daly The Possibility of Hope
Shawn Copeland Waiting for Hope
Randy Rosenberg Is Walker Percy’s Voice Still Viable? An Examination in Light of Lonergan
David Burrell Lonergan and Anawati: An Interfaith Inquiry
Robert M. Doran, SJ Theological Virtues and Participation in Active and Passive Spiration
Thomas Kohler Moving Viewpoints: Solidarity in Modern Contexts
Richard Liddy Lonergan and Climate Change
William Murnion Aquinas’s Philosophy of Mind in the De Veritate
Joseph Mudd Church Penitent: A Sacramental Re-Imaging of Ecclesial Identity in a Time of Crisis
Matthew Petillo Love and Light: A Hypothesis Regarding Lonergan’s Four Point Hypothesis
Gordon Rixon Cultivation of the Mind: Newman and Lonergan
Paul Kidder Joseph Flanagan and the Philosophical Hermeneutic of Modern Art
Greg Lauzon Lamenting at the Abattoir and Elemental Meaning and Bowsticks
Mark Miller Conversion as Life, Death, and Resurrection
Jeremy Wilkins Unpacking Lonergans Four-Point Hypothesis
Michael Vertin Rahner and Lonergan
Luca Sinihaldi The Polymorphism of Consciousness as a Higher Viewpoint on Modern Philosophy
Chae Young Kim Bernard Lonergan and Raymond Panikkar on Faith