
Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI

Contributor Title
Erica Lee Siu-Mui Human Persons as Originators of Values: Implications for Business Ethics
William Meehan Manipulating Values: Responding to Marketing with Authenticity
David de la Fuente The Twofold Undertow: Hermeneutical Resources for Intersubjectivity in Paul Ricoeur and Willie James Jennings
Sarah Adams and Patrick Schmadeke Building on Braxton: A Seventh Conversion for Digital Evangelization
Christopher Krall The Healing Power of the Body of Christ: Neuroscience and Doran on the Human-Divine Community in the Church
Sara Hulse The Grammar of Henri de Lubac’s Trinitarian Anthropology
M Shawn Copeland Societal Impasse and Social Grace
Robert Elliot Joint Attention and the Imago Trinitatis
Andy Vink Integrated Evil: El mal comn and the Integral Scale of Values
Cecille Medina-Maldonado Cura Personalis and the Psychological Analogy of the Trinity in Mental Health Care
Patrick Nolin iblical Authority Amongst a Divinely Inspired Pathos of Communal Charity
Mark Obeten Decolonization and Psychic Conversion: A Theological Appraisal of the Challenges of Africa’s Developmental Strides from the Prism of Robert Doran’s Psychic Conversion
Cody Sandschafer The Mimetic Link between Idolatry and General Bias
John Dadosky Societal Impasse and Social Grace