
Marquette University

Contributor Title
Anthony Scordino Redemption, Freedom, and the Kingdom of God: The Issue of Liberation in the Soteriologies of Karl Barth and the Bernard Lonergan
Ian O’Neil and Grant Lauzon Bona Fide Decentralized Money: A Key to Lonergan’s Economics?
Shaun Brown George Lindbeck and Bernard Lonergan on Common Language and Ecumenism
Chanelle Robinson Embodiment, Bias, and Memory: The Theological Task of Remembering Indigenous Women in Canada and Unsettling the Virgin Mary
William Crozier Reflective Writing as a Tool for Conversion in Religious Education
Kristen Mathson Authority and Charism in World Christianity: A Dialectical Approach
Stephen Calme Addressing White Ignorance through the Law of the Cross
Nindyo Sasongko Land and Liberation: Bernard Lonergan’s Idea of Culture and the Agricultural Emergency in Indonesia
William Desmond Being Liberated and the Patience of Being
Lucas Briola Incorporating an Option for the Earth into Lonergan and Doran’s Scale Values
Ryan Hemmer Verbum as Value: Lonergan, Balthasar, and the Question of the Psychological Analogy
Christopher Krall The Dialectic of Joy: The Theology and Neuroscience of Liberating Self-Transcendence
Robyn Boere Children and Meaningful Choice: Medical Decision-Making and Lonergan on Meaning
Adam Beyt You Better Werq!: Lonergan and Butler on Satire, Humor, and Drag
Greg Lauzon Liberation and the Hero’s Journey
Cody Sandschafer Insight into Sentient Intelligence: How Zubiri’s Noology Effects Bias
Shawnee Daniels-Sykes The Problem of Liberation: For the Wretched Refuse of Your Teeming. Shore to I am Going to Build a Wall