

Contributor Title
Gerard Walmsley Creative Collaborator: Polymorphism/ Mutual Mediation and Functional Specialization
John Haughey Where is Knowing Going?
Armando Rugarcia Toward an Ethics of the Authentic Subject
Eugene Ahner Make a life, Not just a Living – Business is a Human Science
Dominic Doyle The Collaborative Vision of Christian Humanism: an Evolution of Lonergan’s Contribution
Richard Liddy A Catholic Core: The Curriculum in a Catholic University Today
Gordon Rixon The Ignatian Presupposition as a Methodological Ground for Collaboration
Ivo Coelho Person and Subject in Lonergan: A Methodical Transposition
Michael Stebbins Critical Thinking Techniques: What They Provide and What They Overlook
Kenneth Melchin Lonergan and the Social Sciences: Some Preliminary Reflections
Michael McCarthy Authentic Faith in a Secular Age
Kathleen Williams Conversion as Foundational in Theology in Theology: A Conversation between Bernard SJ and Rosemary Haughton
John Dadosky Women without Envy: Re-covering the Immaculate Conception
Mark Morelli Consciousness Is Not an Operation
William Murnion Lonergan’s The Incarnate Word and The Triune God: Models of Theological Method as Interdisciplinary
Jeremy Wilkins The Silence of Eternity, Interpreted by Love’: Love and Knowledge of God in Christ the Man
Natalino Spaccapelo St. Paul and Bernard Lonergan Quote Aristotle
Jennifer Clark Two Lungs or Two Diverging Roads?
Peter Corbishly Aristotle, M.A.K. Halliday and Lonergan: Towards a General Theory of Language for Language Teachers
Brian McDonough Catholic Social Doctrine and Self-Appropriation
William Mathews On Memoir Biography and the Dynamism of Consciousness
Glen ‘Chip’ Hughes Differentiation and its Discontents
Patrick Byrne What is an Evolutionary Explanation?-Darwin and Lonergan
David Burrell On Paul’s Intellectual Formation in Tarsus
Robert Luby Method in Medicine for the Age of Syndromes and Genomes
Lauren Weis How Lonergan’s Thought May be Able to Help Mediate Valid Concerns about Gender Bias
Cutberto Garza Raising the Bar: An International Growth Standard for Infants and Young Children
Robert M. Doran, SJ Sanctifying Grace, Charity, and Divine Indwelling: A key to the Nexus Mysteriorium
Charles Tackney Asian Anticipations of Relations Systems after World War II - Evidence of Conversion and Workplace Evangelization
Lucio Guasti Education and Curriculum in Topics in Education
Luca Badini The Critical Use of Socio-political Categories in Ecclesiology
William George International Law as Horizon