
Marquette University

Contributor Title
Jonathan Heaps Grace Before Nature: The Theorem of the Supernatural, Nicene Orthodoxy, and Methodological Naturalism
James Lee From Symbolik to Einheit: Recasting the Legacy of Johann Adam Mhler through Yves Congar
Benjamin Hohman Augustine’s Conversation(s): An Engagement with Epistemologies of Conversion in Augustine’s Confessions
Sara Hulse The Mind of a Child: G.K. Chesterton on the Nature of Reason
Andrew Vink White Privilege: From Blame to Collective Responsibility and Creative Healing
Jonathan King Hans Urs von Balthasar and Nineteenth Century Swiss Catholic Culture
Robyn Boere Moral Evil and the Evil of Fault: Terminology in Insight Compared with De verbo incarnato
Aaron Pidel Erich Przywara, Vatican I, and the Analogia Entis
Jennifer Newsome Marin, Grant Kaplan, Jeremy Wilkins Panel: The Spirit of Vatican I? Reversing the Optic of Mid-Century Theology
Ryan Hemmer From Metaphor to Metaphysics: Newmans Organism and Tradition’s ‘Nature’
Stephen Lawson Erik Peterson and the Struggle for a Catholic Interpretation of History
Liam Farrer The Joy of Bias: How Newman, Lonergan, and Metz Can Help Address the Radical-Traditionalist Criticisms of Amoris Laetitia
Justin Schwartz In Aid of Applying Vatican II: Newman’s Influence on Lonergan’s Concretizing of Theological Method
Jay Martin The Twilight of What is Conscious: Lonergan and the Theological Horizon of Freud’s Discovery
Brian Bajzek The Image of God in the Face of the Other - M. Shawn Copeland Presentation
Eric Mabry Plenary Address: Amor Habet Rationem Primi Doni: Matthias Scheeben and the Prospect for a New Starting Place in Pneumatology