
35th Annual Lonergan Workshop

Contributor Title
John Haughey Is there such a Thing as the Catholic Intellectual Tradition?
Peter Bisson The Jesuits and a Corporate Use of Religious Value
William Mathews Reductionism as a Destroyer of Human Meaning and Values
Nikolaus Wandinger Implicit Theology and Authentic Subjectivity - The Problem of Attaining Objectivity
John Ranieri Leo Strauss: Picture Thinking and Biblical Interpretation
Roman A. Siebenrock Loci Theologici and Lonergan’s Method in Theology in Relation to Current Discussions Among German Theologians
Alison Benders Beyond MySpace: Grounding Post-Modern Identity in Lonergan’s Notion of Self-Transcendence
Raymond Topley Lonergan’s “Ironing Out” Challenge to Educators
Robert Luby Upstream Medicine: A Higher Viewpoint
Paul LaChance Intersubjectivity and the History of Trinitarian Theology
Charles C. Hefling Lonergan’s Cur Deus Homo: The Law of the Cross, Revisited or Why Anselm and Abelard Were Both Right
Eileen de Neeve Lonergan’s Economic Ideas Now: Functional Distinctions, Innovative Growth, The Good of Order and The Baseball Diamond
Jon Nilson Beyond Moral Suasion: Reasoning Method in Theology in “Racist America”
David Oyler Potency and Structure
Cloe Taddei Ferretti Leaving Self-Centeredness According to Lonergan and from the Viewpoint of Cognitive Science
David B. Burrell A Trinitarian “Foundation” for Human Freedom
Colin Maloney Faith and Lonergan
Robert M. Doran, SJ Preserving Lonergan’s Understanding of Thomist Metaphysics: Some Key Instances
Jeremy Wilkins Transposing Nature, Grace and Virtue
Michael McCarthy The Need for Conversion
Elizabeth Murray The Second Moment of Intellectual Conversion
Kenneth Melchin Three Challenges in Christian Ethics
Cheryl Picard Exploring the Insight Mediation Method
Brian McDonough Lonergan’s Notion of Conversation in Encounters between Criminal Offenders and their Victims
William E. Murnion A Postmodern Philosophy of History
Thomas McPartland The Critique of History and the Pure Line of Progress: A Lonergan Legacy
Paul St. Amour On the Validity of Extrinsic Causality in Proofs for the Existence of God
Phil Egan Evaluating Lonergan’s Early Short Papers and Devotional Works
Gerald Walmsley Lonergan on Philosophic Pluralism
Patrick H. Byrne The Normative Scale of Values
Gerald Whelan Lonergan and the Future of Catholic Social Teaching
Gregory Maillet Breathing Back: Lonergan, Literary Creativity and the Spirit of the Lord
Paul Kidder Robert Mosses and the Common Good
John Dadosky Is There a Fourth Stage of Meaning? Reports on Ways of Applying Lonergan’s Thought