
Loyola Marymount University
The 23rd Annual Fallon Memorial Lonergan Symposium

Contributor Title
Thomas McPartland Classicism: The Utility and Limits of an Ideal Type
Glenn ‘Chip’ Hughes Integration of Realms of Meaning, and Personal Integrity: Exploring the Connections
Jaime Barrera Parra Scholasticism After Classicism: Theologus Quaerens Intellectum Methodum Quaerentem
Daniel Mayer The Form of Distinction and the Transition from the Classic to the Post-classic Outlook
David Legg Lonergans Post-classical Universe: A Response to Cultural Change
Francisco Galan What Can We Say About Sensible Perception? Zubiri, Heidegger, and Lonergan
David Oyler Neural Architecture and the Emergence of Extroverted Consciousness
Paul St. Amour A Reassessment of Insight 19
Lubos Rojka SJ Personal (Intellectual) Integrity and Lonergans Argument for the Existence of God
Michael Vertin Properly Situating Philosophical Arguments for God
Robert M. Doran, SJ Spontaneity, Autonomy, and Cultural Critique: A Meeting Point for Lonergan and Girard
Mirela Oliva Lonergan and Gadamer on Philosophy
Elizabeth Murray The Will after Classicism
John Dadosky Recovering Beauty in the Subject: Balthasar, Kierkegaard, and Lonergan
William Mathews SJ The Idea of a University, Reductionism, and Lonergan
Lance Grigg Reconstructing Foundations in Education
Taylor Black The Struggle Against Bias
James Marsh Self-appropriation, Contemplation, and Resistance
Hugo Meynell Conversion and Persons: Two Terminological Difficulties