
Erbacher Hof, Mainz, Germany
The recordings of this event were made and restored by Greg Lauzon. Director of Lonergan Workshop: Fred Lawrence. Director, Peter Reifenbach. Studienleiter, Stephan Loos.


Contributor Title
Nikolaus Wandinger Dramatic Theology as an Exercise in Foundations
Cardinal Karl Lehmann Welcome and Greetings
Robert M. Doran, SJ Being in Love with God: A Source of Analogies for Theological Understanding
Hilary Mooney Artistic Meaning and the Search for Truth
Antonio Siena Vico, Lonergan und die Idee einer neuen Wissenschaft
Michele Tomasi ’…They blame greed. But the prime cause is ignorance…’: Die Wirtschaftsanalyse von Bernard Lonergan im Dienste der wahren Entwicklung des Menschen
William Murnion Intellectual Honesty in Aquinas and Lonergan, Lonerganians and Thomists
Andrew Beards A Future for Analytical Philosophy? Lonergan’s Challenge
Thomas Schärtl The Forming of Religious Convictions–Personal Insight: A Bridge between Wittgenstein and Lonergan
Frank Budenholzer, SVD Reflections on the Concept of Emergence
Lubos Rojka, SJ Is Lonergan’s Argument for the Existence of God a Good Cosmological Argument?
Cloe Taddei Ferretti The Interplay of Science and Philosophy in INSIGHT
Raymond Topley Bernard Lonergan: Teacher’s Aid!
Alessandro Clemenzia L’esperienza della Grazia in Agostino (Conf. VIII, 12.28-29) e Lonergan
Rosanna Finamore Consciousness and Intentionality. The Dynamisms of the Subject in Time and History
Natalino Spaccapelo, SJ Sigmund Freud in Lonergan’s Insight
Giovanni Sala, SJ Kant und die Theologie–eine kritische Lonergan’sche Sichtung
Holger Zaborowski Durch echtes Leben und seinen radikalen treuen Vollzug: Zu Martin Heideggers philosophischem Selbstverstndnis
Philippe Fluri Making Sense of the International Security System
Neil Ormerod Integrity and its Lack: The Impact in Trinitarian Theology
William Mathews, SJ Kant and Narrative Selfhood in Lonergan’s Quest
Sean McEvenue Interpreting Inspired Texts
Mark Doorley The Spiritual Exercises of Judgment
Jeremy Wilkins Authenticity in Trinitarian Theology: De Trinitate and De Deo Trino
Carla Mae Streeter, OP Insight’s Conjugate Forms and Holiness
Gilles Mongeau, SJ Lonergan and Girard: A First Glance at Convergences
Macon Boczak Lonergan’s ‘Being-in-Love’ Fully Reveals the Religion of Christ: A Phenomenological Prolegomenon to Rahner’s Thesis on the Anonymous Christian
Alexander Lohner Das Verhltnis von Gewiheit und Wagnis im Glauben bei Peter Wust
João Vila Cha, SJ Redlichkeit und Gehorsam zur Wahrheit: Erik Peterson vor der Sache der Theologie
Lucio Guasti Insight, Content and Curriculum
Peter Drilling How Lonergan’s Method in Theology Provides the Interpretive Key to Contemporary Christian Ministry
Robert Pen, SDB Communication as Sharing of Meaning & Values: Lonergan’s Proposal for a Philosophy of Communication
Grant Kaplan Lonergan’s Theology of Revelation: A Voegelinian Reading
Thomas McPartland Lonergan’s Critique of Historical Reason
Gerard Whelan, SJ Unfinished Business in Insight: The Dialectic of History in Bernard Lonergan and Robert Doran
Francisco Arenas-Dolz Lonergan’s Hermeneutics and Spanish Phenomenology
Thomas Schmidt Glauben und Begrnden. berlegungen zum Begriff der religise berzeugung im Anschluss an Hegel und Brandom
Various Speakers Open Discussion