
Boston College
34th Annual Lonergan Workshop
The Not Numerous Center: For Insight’s 50th Anniversary and Method in Theology’s 35th Anniversary

Contributor Title
Greg Maillet At the Still Point Where There is only the Dance: Logos, Lonergan, and T.S. Elliot’s Four Quartets
Richard Liddy Startling Strangeness: A Memoir
John Dadosky Centering the Church: A Development in Ecclesiology based on Balthasar and Lonergan
Michael McCarthy Towards a Catholic Christianity: A Personal Narrative
Patrick H. Byrne The Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Joseph A. Komonchak Lonergan and Post-conciliar Ecclesiology
Phillip Berryman Consilience? E.O. Wilson Lonergan and other Proposals for the Unity/Differentiation of Knowledge
Sarah R. Borden Edith Stein’s Response to the Darwinian Challenge
Charles C. Hefling Lonergan, Schleiermacher, and Christian Systematic Theology: Possibly Relevant Questions
Mendo Castro Henriquez Insight and the Geopolitical Situation
Jennifer FitzGerald The Platonic Word Becoming Flesh: the Irish Medievalist, Helen Waddell
Gerard Whelan Attempting Redemptive Praxis in Parish Life: Reflections from Nairobi, Kenya
Jeremy Wilkins The Transition from a Theoretical to a Methodical Account of Grace: Being at Home in the Old and the New
M. Shawn Copeland Edging Toward the Center
Greg Lauzon Emerging Probabilities and the Operators of Musical Evolution
William Mathews Kant, Lonergan and Intersubjectivity
Michael Sharkey Heidegger, Lonergan, and the Intention of Being
Mark D. Morelli Going Beyond Idealism
William E. Murnion Shankara and Aquinas: A Case Study in Comparative Ethics
Paul LaChance Theology as Praxis in Augustines Confessions: A Community Founded on the Humanity of Christ
David Coghlan Action Research as a Method of Praxis
Hugo Meynell Casta Meretrix: The Extreme Center
Phyllis Wallbank Educating Adolescents