
Boston College

Contributor Title
Robert M. Doran, SJ Ignatian Elements in the Thought of Bernard Lonergan
Kevin J. Burke Ignacio Ellacuria
John W. Howard Peter Faber
Colin Maloney Lonergan and Ignatian Discernment
Peter Bisson The Emergence of interiority in the Society of Jesus: the Post-Conciliar General Congregations
William Mathews Lonergan’s Quest
Nikolaus Wandinger Raymund Schwager, SJ: Dramatic Theology
Roman Siebenrock The Ignatian Rules of Karl Rahner
Stephan Loos European Jesuits and the Modernist Controversy
Paul Kidder Thinking with Father Richardson
William J. Richardson Response to “Thinking with Father Richardson”
Frank Braio Recollecting Fr. Vincent Potter’s Project
Ivo Coelho Francis Xavier, Lonergan and the Problem of Missions Today
Gilles Mongeau Thomas Aquinas and Lonergan
John Robertson Hermeneutics, Critical Realism, and the Aims of Jesus: The Contribution of Ben F. Meyer
Joao Vila-Cha, SJ The Trans-formation of Consciousness: Walter J. Ong and the Presence of the Word in the Making of Culture
Leo Serroul Lonergan, Teilhard and the Mystical Body
Glen Hughes Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ and Diane Quaid Poetry
Richard Cassidy Avery Cardinal Dulles SJ
Neil Ormerod Ecclesiology, History, and the Social Sciences
John Haughey The Unique Virtue That Understanding Lonergan Generates
Elizabeth Murray The Affectivity of Transcendent Will
Gordon Rixon Ignatius Loyola