
Boston College

Contributor Title
John C. Haughey, SJ The Charism of Bernard Lonergan and Vatican II’s Aggiornamento
Phyllis Wallbank Helping the Young to Know Themselves, Love the Uniqueness of others, and Appreciate the World
Victor Clore Revolution in Roman Catholic Theology?
Nikolaus Wandinger Irreformable but Incomplete: Insights about Ecclesial Infallibilty from R. Schwager’s Dramatic Theology and B. Lonergan’s Theological Method
James Marsh Self-Appropriation as a Way of Life
Phillip Berryman History, Freedom, and the Poor: The Theology of Jose Comblin
Andrea Bartoli Preventing Genocide?
Raymond Lafontaine Lonergan’s Functional Specialties as a Model for Doctrinal Development: John Courtney Murray and Vatican II’s Declaration on Religious Freedom
Paul Caringella Ecce Homo: The Vision of the Human in Voegelin and Girard
Thomas McPartland Democracy and Critical Culture
Paul Kidder Eric Voegelin’s Philosophical Hermeneutic
Paul Caringella, Thomas McPartland and Paul Kidder Caringella, McPartland and Kidder Q&A
Robert M. Doran, SJ Lonergan and Girard on Sacralization and Desacralization
Glen “Chip” Hughes “No means of safety but love”: Studying the Classics
John Ranieri How Girard Helped Me Understand Lonergan
Paul Bruno Lonergan and the Ethics of Everyday Life
Kenneth Melchin Insight, Conflict and Justice
John Ranieri, Paul Bruno, Kenneth Melchin Ranieri, Bruno, Melchin Q&A
Gordon Rixon, SJ The Grammar and Rhetoric of Assent: Re-Inventing Lonergan’s “Dialectic of Authority”
Paulette Kidder Progress and Decline: Catholicism in Dialogue with Contemporary Bioethics
Paul St. Amour Cosmology and Human Significance
Gilles Mongeau, SJ Recovering a Lost Tradition: The Law of the Cross
Paulette Kidder, Paul St Amour, Gilles Mongeau Kidder, St Amour, Mongeau, Q&A
Panel Panel on Vatican II, Benedict XVI and the Future of the Church
Paul Caringella and David I. Tresan Lonergan, Doran and Jung (parts 1-4)
Paul Caringella and David I. Tresan Lonergan, Doran and Jung (parts 5-8)