
Boston College

Contributor Title
Moira Carley Creativity and Consciousness: The Creative Self Coming to Be
Charles Hefling Another Perhaps Permanently Valid Achievement: Lonergan on Christ’s (Self-) Knowledge
Frank Braio Incidental Reflections on the Situation, Global Responsibility, Lonergan: Lonergan’s “Natural Right and Historical Mindedness”
Marc Lepain Pierre Manent and the Church and the City of Man
Robert M. Doran, SJ “Complicate the Structure”: Notes on a Forgotten Precept
Andrew von Hendy Reading from a Memoir
Gordon Rixon, SJ Adorning Pathways of Transcendence: Engaging Loyola’s Spiritual Rhetoric to Appreciate Lonergan’s Intellectual Project
Ravi Michael Lewis, SJ Philosophical Orexis and Theological Spirit: A Preliminary Exploration of (Cosmological, Anthropological, and Soteriological) Constitutive Meaning
William Murnion The Ethics of Peace: A Postmodern Christian Perspective
Brian Cronin, CSSp Judgments of Value: Where They Come From
Kathleen Williams Friendly Authenticity in a Fractured World: On the Way to Peace
Andrea Bartoli Learning about Peace
Hugo Meynell The Heuristics of Self-Interested Power
Patrick Byrne Outer Peace, Inner Peace: Authenticity in Feelings and Personal Relations