
Boston College
We present here audio recordings of the proceedings of the 2002 Lonergan Workshop at Boston College, conducted under the auspices of Fred and Sue Lawrence.

Contributor Title
John C. Haughey, SJ Lonergans Foundations of Human Rights
John C. Haughey, SJ Lonergans Foundations of Human Rights Q&A
James R. Price Method in Ethics and Program Planning
James R. Price Method in Ethics and Program Planning Q&A
Andrea Bartoli Inter-religious Dialogue
Andrea Bartoli Inter-religious Dialogue Q&A
John Ranieri Individual and Group Bias: A Girardian Reading
David Burrell Narratives Competing for Our Souls: The Middle East Crisis as Our Crisis
David Burrell Narratives Competing for Our Souls: The Middle East Crisis as Our Crisis Q&A
Robert M. Doran, SJ The Unified Field Structure for Systematic Theology: A Proposal
Robert M. Doran, SJ The Unified Field Structure for Systematic Theology: A Proposal Q&A
J. Michael Stebbins & Kenneth R. Melchin Developing Ethics in Buisiness
J. Michael Stebbins Developing Ethics in Buisiness
Kenneth R. Melchin Mediation & Insight: Contributions to the Field of Conflict Resolution from the Work of Lonergan
Joe Lynaugh & Charlie Mulligan Experiment in Economic Development
Francisco Quijano The Desire for Beatitude and the Transcendental Notion of Value
Francisco Quijano The Desire for Beatitude and the Transcendental Notion of Value Q&A
Patrick H. Byrne Ethics in a Growth Economy
Patrick H. Byrne Ethics in a Growth Economy Q&A
John Dadosky Obscurantism and the True Believer
Various Speakers The Ambiguities of Globalization, pt 1
Various Speakers The Ambiguities of Globalization, pt 2
Sebastian Moore The Risen Life Now
Sebastian Moore The Risen Life Now Q&A
Phyllis Wallbank The Learners Evolving Sense of Time
Phyllis Wallbank The Learners Evolving Sense of Time Q&A
David J. Levy Reflections on Ontology and Responsibility in Hans Jonas
David J. Levy Reflections on Ontology and Responsibility in Hans Jonas Q&A